STEM para todas
On February 2020 I had the amazing opportunity to present at an activity to motivate young Peruvian girls to get into STEM careers. The...

AOS-UCLA XEP Student Association
During the last year of my PhD at UCLA I was the vice president of the students in my department. There I has the opportunity to work for...

Calgary Reads
Recently I got to know about this fantastic initiative, it is called Calgary Reads, and it focuses in motivating kids of different ages...

Once I was a girl like them
During November 2017 I traveled to Chile to attend a conference. I love how my job gives me the possibility to travel and in this case to...

Meet Steve, the mysterious sub-auroral phenomenon
Photographers have been taking pictures of a phenomenon that was until recently unknown to scientist. Elizabeth MacDonald (NASA scientist...

Substorm: Ionospheric flow structures associated with auroral beading at substorm auroral onset
Out of all my publications this is probably my favorite one, probably because the topic came to me by accident. In this paper we combined...

Substorm: Magnetic conjugacy of northern and southern auroral beads - Tetsuo Motoba
This is by far one of my favorite papers in the field! In this paper Dr. Motoba showed the simultaneous development of a substorm auroral...

The History of Space Physics
This is a work in progress.... Today one of my friend introduced me to one of the most fun and educative webpage. Check it out! Visit:...